// Copyright 2015 Owen Astrachan, Drew Hilton, Susan Rodger, Robert Duvall // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Created by Nick Parlante // Updated by Robert Duvall // image needed to seed "sized" image var EMPTY_IMAGE = '' // number of canvases created to hold images var globalCanvasCount = 0; // Note there is an Image built in, so don't use that name. // Represents one pixel in a SimpleImage, supports rgb get/set. SimplePixel = function(image, x, y) { __funCheck("SimplePixel", 3, arguments.length); this.simple_image = image; this.x = x; this.y = y; }; SimplePixel.prototype = { constructor: SimplePixel, getX: function () { __funCheck("getX", 0, arguments.length); return this.x; }, getY: function () { __funCheck("getY", 0, arguments.length); return this.y; }, getRed: function () { __funCheck("getRed", 0, arguments.length); return this.simple_image.getRed(this.x, this.y); }, getGreen: function () { __funCheck("getGreen", 0, arguments.length); return this.simple_image.getGreen(this.x, this.y); }, getBlue: function () { __funCheck("getBlue", 0, arguments.length); return this.simple_image.getBlue(this.x, this.y); }, getAlpha: function () { __funCheck("getAlpha", 0, arguments.length); return this.simple_image.getAlpha(this.x, this.y); }, setRed: function (val) { __funCheck("setRed", 1, arguments.length); this.simple_image.setRed(this.x, this.y, val); }, setGreen: function (val) { __funCheck("setGreen", 1, arguments.length); this.simple_image.setGreen(this.x, this.y, val); }, setBlue: function (val) { __funCheck("setBlue", 1, arguments.length); this.simple_image.setBlue(this.x, this.y, val); }, setAlpha: function (val) { __funCheck("setAlpha", 1, arguments.length); this.simple_image.setAlpha(this.x, this.y, val); }, setAllFrom: function (pixel) { __funCheck("setAllFrom", 1, arguments.length); this.simple_image.setRed(this.x, this.y, pixel.getRed()); this.simple_image.setGreen(this.x, this.y, pixel.getGreen()); this.simple_image.setBlue(this.x, this.y, pixel.getBlue()); this.simple_image.setAlpha(this.x, this.y, pixel.getAlpha()); }, toString: function () { return "r:" + this.getRed() + " g:" + this.getGreen() + " b:" + this.getBlue(); }, // Render pixel as string getString: function () { return this.toString(); } }; // Makes an invisible canvas, inited either with a url, size, or an existing htmlImage // maybe: could make this work with another SimpleImage too. SimpleImage = function () { if (arguments.length < 0 || arguments.length > 2) { __funCheck("SimpleImage", 1, arguments.length); return null; } // function map for to support "overloaded constructor" var funMap = [ function () { return __makeHTMLImage(EMPTY_IMAGE); }, function (source) { if (source instanceof HTMLImageElement) { return source; } else if (typeof source == "string") { return __makeHTMLImageFromURL(source, this); } else if (source instanceof HTMLInputElement && source.type == 'file') { return __makeHTMLImageFromInput(source.files[0], this); } else if (source instanceof SimpleImage) { return __makeHTMLImage(source.canvas.toDataURL(), source.name, this); } else if (source instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { return __makeHTMLImage(source.toDataURL(), source.id, this); } else { __throwError('Unrecognized value used to create a SimpleImage: ' + source); } }, function (width, height) { if (width > 0 && height > 0) { return __makeHTMLImageFromSize(width, height, this); } else { __throwError('You tried to create a SimpleImage with a negative width or height [' + width + 'x' + height + ']'); } } ]; var htmlImage = funMap[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments); this.canvas = __makeHTMLCanvas('SimpleImageCanvas'); this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); if (htmlImage != null && htmlImage.complete) { this.__init(htmlImage); } else { // when image is loaded, it will fill this in this.imageData = null; } this.ACCEPTED_FILES = 'image.*'; } SimpleImage.prototype = { constructor: SimpleImage, // this should not be called publicly, but it should not hurt things if it does __init: function (htmlImage, imageData) { try { this.name = htmlImage.id; this.width = htmlImage.width; this.height = htmlImage.height; this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; this.context.drawImage(htmlImage, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); if (imageData == null) { this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height); } else { this.imageData = imageData; } } catch (err) { console.log(err); __throwError('The name you used to create a SimpleImage was not correct: ' + htmlImage.id); } }, complete: function () { return this.imageData != null; }, getWidth: function () { __funCheck("getWidth", 0, arguments.length); return this.width; }, getHeight: function () { __funCheck("getHeight", 0, arguments.length); return this.height; }, getRed: function (x, y) { __funCheck("getRed", 2, arguments.length); return this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getRed", x, y)]; }, getGreen: function (x, y) { __funCheck("getGreen", 2, arguments.length); return this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getGreen", x, y) + 1]; }, getBlue: function (x, y) { __funCheck("getBlue", 2, arguments.length); return this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getBlue", x, y) + 2]; }, getAlpha: function (x, y) { __funCheck("getAlpha", 2, arguments.length); return this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getAlpha", x, y) + 3]; }, // Computes index into 1-d array, and checks correctness of x,y values getIndex: function (funName, x, y) { __funCheck("getIndex", 3, arguments.length); __rangeCheck(x, 0, this.width, funName, "x", "wide"); __rangeCheck(y, 0, this.height, funName, "y", "tall"); return (Math.floor(x) + Math.floor(y) * this.width) * 4; }, // Gets the pixel object for this x,y. // Changes to the pixel write back to the image. getPixel: function (x, y) { __funCheck("getPixel", 2, arguments.length); __rangeCheck(x, 0, this.width, "getPixel", "x", "wide"); __rangeCheck(y, 0, this.height, "getPixel", "y", "tall"); return new SimplePixel(this, x, y); }, setRed: function (x, y, value) { __funCheck("setRed", 3, arguments.length); this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getRed", x, y)] = __clamp(value); }, setGreen: function (x, y, value) { __funCheck("setGreen", 3, arguments.length); this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getGreen", x, y) + 1] = __clamp(value); }, setBlue: function (x, y, value) { __funCheck("setBlue", 3, arguments.length); this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getBlue", x, y) + 2] = __clamp(value); }, setAlpha: function (x, y, value) { __funCheck("setAlpha", 3, arguments.length); this.imageData.data[this.getIndex("getAlpha", x, y) + 3] = __clamp(value); }, setPixel: function (x, y, pixel) { __funCheck("setPixel", 3, arguments.length); __rangeCheck(x, 0, this.width, "setPixel", "x", "wide"); __rangeCheck(y, 0, this.height, "setPixel", "y", "tall"); this.setRed(x, y, pixel.getRed()); this.setBlue(x, y, pixel.getBlue()); this.setGreen(x, y, pixel.getGreen()); this.setAlpha(x, y, pixel.getAlpha()); }, setSize: function (width, height) { __funCheck("setSize", 2, arguments.length); width = Math.floor(width); height = Math.floor(height); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { __flush(this.context, this.imageData); this.imageData = __changeSize(this.canvas, width, height); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = height; } else { __throwError("You tried to set the size of a SimpleImage to a negative width or height [" + width + "x" + height + "]"); } }, // Draws to the given canvas, setting its size. // Used to implement printing of an image. drawTo: function (toCanvas) { __flush(this.context, this.imageData); if (this.imageData != null) { toCanvas.width = this.width; toCanvas.height = this.height; __flush(this.context, this.imageData); toCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, toCanvas.width, toCanvas.height); } else { var myself = this; setTimeout(function() { myself.drawTo(toCanvas); }, 100); } }, // Export an image as an array of pixels for the for-loop. toArray: function () { __funCheck("toArray", 0, arguments.length); var array = new Array(); // 1. simple-way (this is as good or faster in various browser tests) // var array = new Array(this.getWidth() * this.getHeight()); // 2. alloc way // var i = 0; // 2. // nip 2012-7 .. change to cache-friendly y/x ordering // Non-firefox browsers may benefit. for (var y = 0; y < this.getHeight(); y++) { for (var x = 0; x < this.getWidth(); x++) { //array[i++] = new SimplePixel(this, x, y); // 2. array.push(new SimplePixel(this, x, y)); // 1. } } return array; }, // Support iterator within for loops (eventually) values: function() { __funCheck("values", 0, arguments.length); return this.toArray(); }, // better name than values if we have to use it pixels: function() { return this.values(); } }; // Private helper functions, add __ to reduce chance they will conflict with user's method names function __makeHTMLCanvas (prefix) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.id = prefix + globalCanvasCount; canvas.style = 'display:none'; canvas.innerHTML = 'Your browser does not support HTML5.' globalCanvasCount++; return canvas; } // wrap image data in HTML element function __makeHTMLImage (url, name, simpleImage, loadFunc) { var img = new Image(); if (loadFunc == null) { loadFunc = function() { simpleImage.__init(this); console.log('loaded image: ' + simpleImage.name); } } img.onload = loadFunc; img.src = url; img.id = name; img.style = 'display:none'; return img; } // get image from uploaded file input function __makeHTMLImageFromInput (file, simpleImage) { console.log("creating image: " + file.name); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { __makeHTMLImage(this.result, file.name.substr(file.name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), simpleImage); } reader.readAsDataURL(file); return null; } // create an empty image of the given size function __makeHTMLImageFromSize (width, height, simpleImage) { var name = width + "x" + height; console.log("creating image: " + name); var img = __makeHTMLImage(EMPTY_IMAGE, name, simpleImage); img.width = width; img.height = height; return img; } function __makeHTMLImageFromURL (url, simpleImage) { console.log("creating image: " + url); if (url.substr(0, 4) != 'http') { return __makeHTMLImage(url, url, simpleImage); } else { // doesn't work --- loading an image taints the canvas so we cannot use it :( //var canvas = __makeHTMLCanvas("url"); //var contaminatedImage = __makeHTMLImage(url, url, simpleImage, function() { // this.id = url; // this.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; // __drawImageToCanvas(this, canvas); // var imageData = canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height); // simpleImage.__init(this, imageData); //}); alert('Sorry, unfortunately you cannot create a SimpleImage from an abritrary URL: ' + url); return null; } } // Clamp values to be in the range 0..255. Used by setRed() et al. function __clamp (value) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.floor(value), 255)); } // Push accumulated local changes out to the screen function __flush (context, imageData) { if (imageData != null) { context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, imageData.width, imageData.height); } } function __drawImageToCanvas (htmlImage, canvas) { if (htmlImage.complete) { canvas.width = htmlImage.width; canvas.height = htmlImage.height; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(htmlImage, 0, 0, htmlImage.width, htmlImage.height); } else { setTimeout(function() { __drawImageToCanvas(htmlImage, canvas); }, 100); } } // Change the size of the image to the given, scaling the pixels. function __changeSize (canvasOld, newWidth, newHeight) { var canvasNew = __makeHTMLCanvas('setSize_'); canvasNew.width = newWidth; canvasNew.height = newHeight; // draw old canvas to new canvas var contextNew = canvasNew.getContext("2d"); contextNew.drawImage(canvasOld, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); return contextNew.getImageData(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); } // Some general utility functions // Call this to abort with a message. function __throwError (message) { throw new Error(message); } // Called from user-facing functions to check number of arguments function __funCheck (funcName, expectedLen, actualLen) { if (expectedLen != actualLen) { var s1 = (actualLen == 1) ? "" : "s"; // pluralize correctly var s2 = (expectedLen == 1) ? "" : "s"; var message = "You tried to call " + funcName + " with " + actualLen + " value" + s1 + ", but it expects " + expectedLen + " value" + s2 + "."; // someday: think about "values" vs. "arguments" here __throwError(message); } } function __rangeCheck (value, low, high, funName, coordName, size) { if (value < low || value >= high) { var message = "You tried to call " + funName + " for a pixel with " + coordName + "-coordinate of " + value + " in an image that is only " + high + " pixels " + size + " (valid " + coordName + " coordinates are " + low + " to " + (high-1) + ")."; __throwError(message); } }